050 - BYB - Using Templates in Your Work

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Will and Kathryn are back to celebrate their milestone 50th episode by diving into the topic of using templates in animation. They discuss the pros and cons of templates, highlighting their potential to save time and money while also pointing out their limitations, such as inflexibility and lack of originality. 

This special episode combines valuable insights with the usual light-hearted banter, making it a must-listen for anyone involved in creating or buying creative content.

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Learn more about this podcast here⁠⁠: https://www.openpixelstudios.com/behindthepixel

⁠⁠EMedia⁠⁠ produces the podcast in Easthampton, MA. 
Produced by Jackson Foote and Will Colón
Written and Created by:
Will Colón: https://www.linkedin.com/in/willmcolon/
Kathryn Taccone: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kathryntaccone/

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050 - BYB - Using Templates in Your Work
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