038 - POVs - Financial Transparency

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The Open Pixel Team is back with a new episode focused on financial transparency. They hit on multiple facets of finance, be it your personal year-end financial posts, a client's budgetary disclosure, or our own financial numbers. If you love talking about transparency, this one's for you.

If you have a topic or question you’d like us to cover, ⁠you can submit it to www.openpixelstudios.com/podquestion⁠⁠ ⁠⁠

Learn more about this podcast here⁠⁠: https://www.openpixelstudios.com/behindthepixel

⁠⁠EMedia⁠⁠ produces the podcast in Easthampton, MA. 
Produced by Jackson Foote and Will Colón
Written and Created by:
Will Colón: https://www.linkedin.com/in/willmcolon/
Kathryn Taccone: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kathryntaccone/

Creators and Guests

038 - POVs - Financial Transparency
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