039 - Hack - What are Video Production Source Files

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Source Files. What the heck are they and why do they hold all of the superpowers? Will and Kathryn discuss problems surrounding source files of original artwork, why folks charge for releasing them and why marketers and communication professionals need to access them.

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Learn more about this podcast here⁠⁠: https://www.openpixelstudios.com/behindthepixel

⁠⁠EMedia⁠⁠ produces the podcast in Easthampton, MA. 
Produced by Jackson Foote and Will Colón
Written and Created by:
Will Colón: https://www.linkedin.com/in/willmcolon/
Kathryn Taccone: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kathryntaccone/

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039 -  Hack - What are Video Production Source Files
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